Kidney Care
First-of-its-kind kidney care that links gut health to kidney strength
Prescription Diet k/d now features our ActivBiome+ Kidney Defense prebiotic blend
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Acting early is critical to help give pets their strongest future
New evidence1,2 supports a link between microbiome health and chronic kidney disease (CKD), even in early stages. For pets, this makes early detection and treatment more important than ever.
- Encourage CKD screenings when a pet turns 7 years old.
- 40–60% of pets with kidney disease are NOT eating a renal food.3,4 Switch them to an appropriate k/d product in CKD Stage 1 to help slow progression.
ActivBiome+ Kidney Defense is specifically formulated to support pets with CKD
With our proprietary blend of betaine and prebiotic fibers shown to activate the gut microbiome to help protect kidney function.
Formulated to help lighten the load on kidneys
- Helps pets with CKD build muscle mass to maintain energy and strength.
- Dry foods include our Enhanced Appetite Trigger (E.A.T.) technology, clinically tested to stimulate appetite and encourage food intake.

An easier way to create your recommendation
Calculate healthy weight & feeding costs with our easy-to-use Quick Reco tool.
Professional Resources
- Ephraim E and Jewell DE. Effect of added dietary betaine and soluble fiber on metabolites and fecal microbiome in dogs with early renal disease. Metabolites 2020;10:0370. https://doi.org/10.3390/metabo10090370)
- Hall JA, et al. Feeding cats with chronic kidney disease food supplemented with betaine and prebiotics increases total body mass and reduces uremic toxins. PLoS ONE 2022;17(5);e0268624. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0268624)
- Chen CN, et al. Vet J 2018;232:33-39.
- Markovich JE, et al. J Fel Med Surg 2015;17:979-83.